Thursday, 21 April 2016

Anne Frank House Amsterdam

Anne Frank House


Anne Frank House Outside View
Prinsengracht 263-267, 1016 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands

So I would hope anyone reading this would know who Anne Frank is – if you don’t you need to pick up a book!

As most people already know Anne Frank was a German born, Jewish, diarist and writer who was killed during World War 2 in 1945. She is one of the most infamous and most spoken about victim of the Holocaust and she was killed with the rest of her family, with the exception of her father.

When I was on holiday in Amsterdam I visited Anne Franks house.

It is the actual house which has now been turned into a museum in dedication to herself, her family and the other families who hid there for over 2 years. The museum has been built around the house to preserve the building in its entirety.

It is really interesting to see and it is well worth a visit. The entrance to the annex is hidden behind a bookcase which was constructed to conceal the entrance. As part of the tour you walk through the entire house and see how everyone lived together.

There are quotes from Annes diary all through the house along with photographs, films, historical documents and original objects that belonged to those hiding. The people that helped the families stay hidden also by supplying them with food and news of the outside world are also discussed and they illustrate the events that took place within the house.

When we visited in January it wasn’t too bad, we only had to queue for a small amount of time before we got in though from others I have heard it gets crazy busy especially in summer so be prepared to wait. You do have to pay to get in but it isn’t too much roughly 9euro for an adult. 

However on the website it states that from the 1st of May 2016 they will be implementing a new entry system. 

From 9am – 3:30pm the museum will only be open to visitors with an online ticket for a particular slot that the ticket has been booked. After 3:30pm anyone else can visit and buy a ticket at the museum entrance only. So if visiting from May take this into consideration when planning ahead and don't get caught out.


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